Event past
Camila Celin
Hello everybody!
In the face of this pandemic I have been inspired to offer music classes to my community. I know so many of you who would love to play music and I am here to help you do that.
This class is open to all levels and all instruments. In this class I will teach basic music theory, tools to compose, tools to improvise and the philosophy and concepts needed to be an accomplished musician.
To be able to play music, one has to love playing and practicing. But there is an art to practice so that one makes the best of that time. I have been practicing for 30 years, and I wish I was taught early on what I know about practicing now.
I will also teach the art of improvisation. Beyond even just the musical tools (melody, scales, chords, rhythm) there is an extensive set of concepts that are needed to be able to improvise in a musical and captivating way. I am excited to share what I have learned about it and how it has helped me enjoy music more and become a professional musician.
This class will take place every Thursday at 7pm. in the first part of the class I will give a lecture and play slowly what I am teaching for you to play alongside. You can post questions and comments.