by Ancient Future Labs
Thu, 26 Sep 2024 (EDT)
09:00AM - 10:00PM
Judson Church
55 washington square
new york , New York 10012
Open Map

Nature Temple: Reimagining Climate Action by Ancient Future Labs and Chilli

​We want to invite you to join us for the most refreshing event of Climate Week NYC, where nature, technology, art, and activism meet. NATURE TEMPLE is a multidisciplinary project showcasing the critical role of creativity, effective activism, indigenous leadership, and well-being in catalyzing transformative climate action. 

As the urgency of the climate crisis escalates, we can no longer rely solely on rational data or more blah blah blah talks to inspire meaningful change.

​Highlights and Speakers:


9:00 am Check-in & Arrival

Opening  with Florencia Friedman and Belen Paez Time: 9:15-10 am           
An inspiring morning opening with Florencia Friedman from Cacao Lab, and Belen Keuneka of the Pachamama Alliance. Experience a traditional cacao ritual and conversation about infusing ancient wisdom into climate activism. 

Solar Morning Dance Party with Madame Gandhi powered by Daylight Energy Time: 10:00 am -11:00 am
Come move your body to uplifting electronic music focused on gender liberation. Featuring Kiran Gandhi, a world-renowned electronic music producer, drummer, artist, and activist. 

ALTERING Creative Mindset Workshop by Angela Del Sol Time: 11-12 am In a world of complex challenges, linear thinking often falls short. True innovation requires a leap of imagination. Join Angela Del Sol, a visionary technologist and climate artivist, as she guides us through the transformative power of radical creativity with


Panels, Keynotes, and Workshops 

Our Stories, Our Sovereignty: Indigenous Narratives as Climate Justice  NDN Collective and Indigenous Frontlines and  Time: 12-1 pm With Indigenous communities safeguarding 80% of the world's biodiversity, their perspectives are essential in every climate discussion. Discussion on the crucial role of Indigenous peoples in protecting global biodiversity and developing effective climate solutions.
Willi White (Oglala Lakota), Executive Producer, NDN Collective
David Hernández Palmar (Wayuu IIPUANA), Ambassador & Emerging Filmmakers Program Coordinator, If Not Us Then Who?
Kynan Tegar (Dayak Iban), Filmamker, If Not Us Then Who?
Ivan Sawyer 

Justice Under Siege: Q&A with Steven Donziger on His Battle Against Big Oil Time: 1-2 pm
 Steven Donziger is the human rights lawyer who helped Amazon Indigenous communities in Ecuador win a landmark $10b pollution case against Chevron. We will hear about his extraordinary journey, battling one of the world's largest oil companies, and his 3-year detention after the nation’s first corporate prosecution.

Redefining Fashion: Innovation and Urgent Redirection in the Industry Time: 2-3 pm Conversation with Eva Kruse of Pangaia and Alden Wicker, author of "To Dye For", Eco Fashion Entrepreneur, Veronica Zhai moderated by Angela Del Sol 

Effective or Noise? Discomfort as a Catalyst: Exploring Impactful Climate Activism featuring Luisa Neubauer, Jeremy Orr from Earthjustice, and Michael Greenberg from Climate Defiance. Moderated by Madeleine MacGillivray from Seeding Sovereignty Time: 3-4 pm

Climate Media Literacy in the Era of Constant Consumption Featuring journalists Melissa Rowley, Vera Papisova, and Ashley Barrientos from Impact Time: 4:15-5 pm

Keynote: "Art as a Catalyst for Change" By Von Wong. Time: 5-5:15 pm Von Wong will unveil how he uses his unique blend of fantasy and photography to create "conversation-generating" art that addresses pressing global issues.


Interactive Workshop: "Reimagining Our Earth Village" Led by Shillo Shiv Sulleman: Artist and founder of FEARLESS COLLECTIVE Time: 6-7pm Inspired by the Yoruba proverb ‘it takes a village’ and the process of ‘suspension of disbelief’ we guide participants through a process that helps us move beyond our doubts and into a space of imagination.  We know what we hate, but do we know what we love just as clearly? It encourages participants to suspend beliefs that no longer serve us and our movements, release our fears, and re-imagine thriving communities and villages of love, justice, and democracy.

On Ancient Futurism and Radical Creativity by Angela Del Sol Time: 7:00- 7:30 

Ocean Immersion: by Oceanic Global with Bodhi Patil and art by Zaria Forman Visuals  Time: 7:30-8 pm

Sounds of the Ocean -
Sound of the Ocean Immersive Experience featuring Joshua Sam Miller,  Gaia Music Collective Lexy Lowell and Bloom Collective Time:8:00-9:30pm

Closing dance party with
DRĖĖĖMY and live drumming and water performance Indigenous Egyptian DJ, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Time: 9:30-11 pm 

The event ends at 11 pm 
Join us for a day of engagement, inspiration, and transformation as we explore environmental conservation, indigenous wisdom, creative problem-solving, and personal growth.

Nature Temple is a fiscally-sponsored project of Weaving Worlds Inc., a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Please consider donating to support grassroots Indigenous climate adaptation and resilience projects.