by Barbès
LAS RUBIAS DEL NORTE This is an in-person event that is also streaming online In person tickets: Streaming tickets: Streaming tickets unavailable at this time
Sat, 12 Feb 2022 (EST)
08:00PM - 09:30PM
Event past
376 9th st
Brooklyn, New York 11215
Open Map
Las Rubias del Norte were the very first group to ever play barbès, back in 2002, and they are back after a three year slumber.
Their sound is a re-invention, a nostalgic throwback to a time and place mostly imagined where Peruvian waltzes, Andean huaynos and Cuban Guajiras mix with French opera, Cowboy tunes and Bollywood classics. The result plays like a dreamy soundtrack with classical harmonies set to a Latin beat. All three of their albums are available on Barbès Records, including Ziguala, their attempt at reimagining what a pop record would sound like had the global Latin influence - which was so prevalent until the early 60's -  continued its course without interruption. Expect forays into Bollywood, Sicilian songs, Kurt Weill and Yéyé.
Featuring Allyssa Lamb - vocals & keyboards; Emily Hurst - vocals; Taylor Bregren-Chrisman - bass; Olivier Conan - cuatro; Greg Stare - percussion; Giancarlo Vulcano - guitar. 

"... elegant, finely wrought Latin-influenced songs. Las Rubias del Norte compress big-band compositions into sparkling gems." The New Yorker.

$20 Tickets