The Ginzubrg Geography, Charming Hostess explores sense of place in the lives of Natalia and Leone Ginzburg, Italian writers famous for their intellectual brilliance and resistance to Mussolini’s fascist state. This album is a musical map of the Ginzburgs, with original scores set to their work. It evokes the Ginzburg's lives in Turin, Abruzzo, and Rome—cities that sustained them emotionally, spiritually, and politically. The sonic palette of
The Ginzburg Geography draws from Italian regional traditions, anti-fascist songs, and Italian Jewish liturgy.
The Ginzburg Geography is the culmination of a multi-year interactive project. The album and installation addresses ideas that Jewlia dedicated her life to exploring, "resistance and what sustains people in severely oppressive situations"-- as relevant today as it was for the Ginzburg's during WWII. Getting the album produced was the one thing Jewlia was most steadfast to complete after her 30-day induced coma and intubation (That’s right, Jewlia is sooo avant, before COVID hit any newsstand Jewlia lay proned & unconscious with a breathing tube on her vocal cords for 30 days). When she did recover in early 2020, the induced paralysis left her unable to wiggle her fingers and toes. She learned to walk and sing again vowing that now more than ever she needed to get her anti-fascist album,
The Ginzburg Geography out into the world. While Eisenberg was able to record vocals and oversee the majority of the band tracks before her passing, the album was ultimately completed by guitarist/producer
Max Baloian and Eisenberg’s longtime collaborator, cellist/vocalist
Marika Hughes.