Hippie With a Hammer / Billygoat

by Jalopy Theatre
Hippie With a Hammer / Billygoat
Sat, 06 Jan 2024 (EST)
07:30PM - 10:30PM
Event past
Jalopy Theatre
315 Columbia Street
Brooklyn, New York 112311
Open Map
7:30pm - Doors
8:00pm - Hippie With a Hammer
9:00pm - Billygoat                                

Hippie With a Hammer is a loose confederation of artists and musicians who play original songs leaning towards the dark and sad, tapping into a deep vein of American prison ballads, songs of revenge and betrayal, ropes and chains.  With Bill Komoski on guitar and vocals, and Brian Moritz on pedal steel plus possible other special guests

BILLYGOAT is Michelle Segre, Jennifer Sirey and Kathryn Lewis. With plucked strings, slide, keys and percussion, their original songs employ haunting, lyrical harmonies to evoke everything from perky despair to transcendent, cosmic optimism. Hailing from New York City, their musical roots are a diverse mix of English Psych Folk, American Old Time, and the dissonant sounds of a Post-Punk generation.