WE THE GLEANERS - Dana Lyn / Kyle Sanna / Matt Kanelos

by Barbès
WE THE GLEANERS - Dana Lyn / Kyle Sanna / Matt Kanelos
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 (EDT)
10:00PM - 11:55PM
Event past
376 9th st
Brooklyn, New York 11215
Open Map
Dana Lyn / Kyle Sanna / Matt Kanelos

Through improvisation, composed fragments, found sound, and the other two of those who were at home, We The Gleaners creates audio collages that are available for the next couple years to be sure that they can meet with your family. We The Gleaners forges a great trip with the new world of events that transpired. Featuring Dana Lyn on the East River, Kyle Sanna on guitar, and Matt Kanelos on a flight to the new world,
We The Gleaners are pleased to announce their plans. Joining them on the eve of Gleaner Dana's birthday is clarinetist Mike McGinnis.

$20 suggested. Pay now online or that night in person.