Colla Voce by Larry Klein - World Premiere hybrid filmed theatre performance

by Pro Audio Voices Inc
Colla Voce by Larry Klein - World Premiere hybrid filmed theatre performance This event is streaming online Streaming tickets unavailable at this time 07 May, 2022, 5:00PM to
31 May, 2024, 7:00PM (PDT)
Event past
Organizer Pro Audio Voices Inc Artists Dorian Lockett Heren Patel Larry Klein Erica Lamkin Brennan Pickman-Thoon Producer Jim Parker
In a world filled with trauma, with an estimated 1 in 11 diagnosed with PTSD at some point in their lifetime, it's helpful to know there is a way through it.

Colla Voce is based on a true story, in which a young police officer shot and killed a young man, in front of the young man's mother. He appeared to be threatening her harm. The resulting Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) and Developmental Trauma that both the officer and the mother experience has lead to an unexpected bond between them.  The aftermath and journey forward is the focus of this theatre piece.  

It is filmed on location as a hybrid blend of film and theatre. Mother and officer, each of their spouses, and the brother of the young man, all navigate this uncharted territory with a combination of anguish and compassion focused on helping each other.

Opening Night Showing followed immediately after by Cast and Production Team talk-back.
Performance runs about 1:15, and Talk-back about 45 minutes, for a total World Premiere event of 2 hours.

For more info , trailer, and production images, visit: